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    A sustainable & family friendly way of life

    Car Sharing - how to get around

    Call it what you like – car sharing, lift sharing, carpooling – it’s a great way to save money, reduce congestion and perhaps getting to know your neighbours better. You can share a car on any journey you make - getting to work, doing the weekly shop, taking the children to school, going to the match at the weekend, travelling to a festival, event or show, getting to or from university, visiting friends or getting to the airport.

    All you need to do to find someone to share with is log on to Devon County Council’s car sharing website, register your journey and review your potential matches - click here.  If there’s someone going your way, you can get in touch and make arrangements to meet up. You don’t even have to have a car of your own, as long as you’re happy to share fuel costs with the driver.

    As more of Seabrook Orchards is built out, we’ll even be setting a private car-sharing group so you can search specifically for friends and neighbours to share with.

    Alternatively, for longer journeys check out Bla Bla Car where you can register your journey and sell the empty seats in your car for a price you choose. You can also search for other people going your way, buy a seat in their car and travel together.

    Try Devon Car Share and enjoy saving money & reducing emissions

    Find out more ...

    Check out more information by visiting the website links

    Car Sharing can save you up to £3,000 a year and help save the environment

    Car Share Devon

    Further Resources and Information